
Advancing businesses

You provide the data, we do the magix that transform and grow your business.

Who we are

We are MAGIX

We are a young and talented team composed of software engineers, researchers, business analysts, quality assurance engineers and designers. We share common company vision, working together in an open work space, and adhering to best-practices with a personal that sets us apart from others.

Each of us contributes with his own personality and individual qualities, comprising a versatile and complementary team capable of tackling various challenges.

Data Analytics

Analyzing streaming and at rest data in near real-time to provide instant insights.

Artificial Intelligence

Design AI solutions that leverage state-of-the-art machine learning and deep learning techniques to provide new values to your business.

Data Warehousing

Processing relational and Big Databases to provide Data Marts and Data Warehouses.


AI Solutions across numerous industries

We at MAGIX.AI provide intelligent solutions for our customers and support them with our best-in-class data scientists and software engineers.

Take a look at the list below for potential services that could interest you.


Finance, Telco, Insurance


Predictive Maintenance


Marketing and Advertising




Magix Bot

An intelligent chat bot solution for Telcos and Banks featuring:


Premium customer support


Knowledgeable virtual assistant of corporate information


Utilizing public and corporate knowledge bases


Multi-language support


Always learning


Context-aware and data-driven


Personalized, sentiment-aware and goal-oriented


Utilizes corporate and public APIs to provide information and take actions


On-premises or cloud deployment


Omni-channel (corporate websites and apps, Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp and Viber)

Macedonian Stock Exchange Analyzer

The Macedonian Stock Exchange analyzer automatically integrates the data from the Macedonian Stock Exchange, provides a variety of visualizations of the daily trades, and provides predictions of future trends.

It uses technical analysis using state-of-the-art Machine Learning and Deep Learning techniques to find patterns in the data to help you with your investment strategy.


Collect, integrate and enrich data from the Macedonian Stock Exchange


Identifies patterns and trends


Performs deep learning-based analysis


Management of investment portfolio


Swing trading suggestions


Long-term analysis


Correlations with world markets


Utilizes corporate and public APIs to provide information and take actions

Magix Predictor

Magix Predictor is a tool that automates feature extraction, feature selection, and model building. With it, users can focus on providing the dataset while the tool finds the optimal ways to extract knowledge and provide insightful predictions.

Data science effort is reduced to hours instead of months, which is essential for building Proofs-of-concept and exploring the predictability of the data for your business problems

A plug-and-play machine learning engine that:


Analyzes and learns from arbitrary time-series data


Simplifies data science with automatic feature engineering and selection


Domain-agnostic application, ranging from customer or machine triggered events to sensory data


Detects patterns, anomalies and outliers


Root cause analysis


Automatic evaluation of hundreds of thousands of features and models


Explains decisions and predictions


Utilizes corporate and public APIs to provide information and take actions

Magix Integrator

Magix Integrator performs the tedious and repetitive Extract-Transform-Load tasks for you. You need to provide the data sources, and the tool finds the best ways to integrate it, creating an ER model and ready-to-use data marts.


Simplifies data integration from variety of sources


Automatic data type recognition and matching


Semantic recognition and tagging


ML-based recognition of relationships between entities


Generation of integration SQL scripts


Deployable in-house or on the cloud


Applicable to big or small data


Reducing Data Mart creation effort from months to days


Creation of consumption-ready dimensional models


Preparing Data Marts for Machine Learning


We work with a wide variety of industries & users

We use a proven methodology when working on AI related products in order to ensure the delivery of stable and secure results.

Use case discovery

Feasibility study

Prototype development

Production deployment


“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” – Sir Arthur C. Clarke.

AI doesn’t have to be like that. We are here to help you in turning your data and business knowledge into right decisions that can be explained and justified. We mitigate risk by practicing a proven development process split in stages, so you can make a decision how to proceed at the end of each phase. This optimizes cost too by minimizing upfront commitment.

To get the right start, you’ll need to know two things: the possible machine learning business applications used in various industries, especially your own, and how machine learning can add value to your organization. That’s the knowledge foundation you’ll build your AI strategy on. From there we can offer a workshop covering use cases from your industry and related ones, consultancy on how to address your business challenges with data you have already gathered, and evaluation of what is possible for your specific business case.


At this stage, you’d like to determine if and how machine learning can help solve your specific business challenge. Select the use case you’d like to analyze, describe the business problem in detail and define the desired results.

We will explore how your data can be used to solve your business case, assess opportunities and risks associated with the project, estimate potential results the project may deliver, develop baseline models and prepare an implementation timeline.

You have already chosen a machine learning use case you’d like to explore and you know it’s feasible. Now it’s time to build a prototype of the model and deploy it in a test environment, the final verification before it goes live.

We then deliver the technical specification summarizing our approach and machine learning methods used in the solution. We will also recommend an approach to productionization.


Your machine learning solution is verified and ready to move to the production phase.
That’s right, it’s time to go live.

Our data science and software engineering teams develop a production-quality version of the solution and, if required, integrate the model with your existing systems or platforms. We educate you on how the model was developed and how it works, providing you with the technical documentation and a series of workshops for your users.

Of course, that’s not the end. Your deployed solution needs to be adjusted to a changing environment. We provide ongoing support for the models we help deploy and cooperate with you to gather the data and enlarge the dataset on which the model works.

We also continuously verify whether the model responds appropriately to the changing environment and improve its accuracy wherever possible. We also monitor the performance of the infrastructure and recommend changes to optimize resource usage.

Have a custom project?

Let’s talk so we can get a sense of your business challenges and needs. 


Check out our products

Our products are created by the best-in-class data scientists and software engineers, leveraging latest advances in AI and Software Development.


  • Macedonian Stock Exchange Analyzer
  • Magix Bot
  • Magix Predictor
  • Magix Integrator